Computer Aided Sperm Analysis (CASA) in domestic animals: Current status, three D tracking and flagellar analysis

Gerhard van der Horst

Department of Medical Bioscience, Comparative Spermatology Laboratory, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Abstract: Computer Aided Sperm Analysis is currently well established in domestic animals. Apart from sperm concentration and sperm motility assessment (percentage groupings, kinematics groupings) sperm morphology, sperm viability, sperm fragmentation and the acrosome reaction are automated as part of modern CASA systems. This review cum new original research paper focuses on providing baseline data on sperm concentration and motility in common domestic species of animals of proven fertility including bull, boar, horse, ram, goat, dog, donkey, chicken. There is a great need to establish quantitative baseline values for sperm quality, breed differences and to develop and apply relevant sperm functional tests that relates to fertilization outcome. These approaches need to be standardized. Two new approaches are presented in this work that are complimentary to CASA and provide a whole range of new visualizations and parameters that may assist to define sperm function and quality better. The first new approach shows how Two-D analysis using X and Y coordinates of CASA can be converted to Three-dimensional (3D) tracks. This method shows how sperm movement can be visualized in 3D despite several shortcomings. The second approach of flagellar analysis through the use of the FAST programme (Flagellar and Sperm Tracking) of the University of Birmingham group represents a new development and provides several new quantitative measures such as flagellar speed and energy output (in Watts) expended by each sperm. Together with CASA and other sperm functional parameters, FAST may provide new and novel insights in sperm biology and assist in fertility assessment.

Animal Reproduction Science – DOI: 10.1016/j.anireprosci.2020.106350
Received 7 December 2019; Received in revised form 14 March 2020; Accepted 16 March 2020