Effects of glucose concentration on the sperm motility of the catfish Sorubim cuspicaudus

Víctor J. Atencio, María Dorado, Emilio Navarro, Francisco Pérez, Tatiana Roathan, Maricela Arias, José A. Espinosa

University of Cordoba

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of glucose concentration (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10%) in the activation of sperm motility of the catfish Sorubim cuspicaudus. Semen was obtained by hormonal induction, with salmonid GnRH analogue (10 mg/Kg body weight) of males undergoing spermiation (n = 13). The osmolarity of the extender and the seminal plasma (273.28±7.2 mOsm/Kg) was measured with an osmometer (Osmomette III, Precision Systems, USA). The semen and extender were mixed in proportion 1:3. The total motility and activation time were evaluated in the glucose solution and post-dilution, activated
with 75 μL of distilled water in a Makler chamber with the assistance of software Sperm Class Analyzer (SCA, Microptic, Spain). The results are shown in table 1. The motility activation was recorded when semen was mixed with solution of glucose lower of 5%; but from glucose solutions with 6% or more, was not recorded motility activation, which was later acquired by adding distilled water and was registred decreased of motility when the osmolarity was increased in the extender. Glucose solution to 6% can be used as extender to the cryopreservation of semen of the catfish Sorubim cuspicaudus.

World Aquaculture Society: World Aquaculture 2014